Self-Care Rituals for the End of the Year
Written by Lindsey Chronert
Amidst the holiday frenzy and the imminent arrival of the new year, we find ourselves immersed in decorating, planning festivities, and preparing for quality time with loved ones. It's undeniably exciting. But let's face it. It's a lot.
This time of year can be a struggle on many fronts. If you're in the events industry, you might be winding down from a whirlwind wedding season. The idea of planning more festivities, buying gifts, and curating menus seems daunting. And that's not even factoring in the delicate dance of family dynamics, the sugar overload, and the pursuit of making everyone else happy. I'm welcoming you to stop and rest.
When you do less, it doesn't mean you miss out or you’re losing the sense of accomplishment you’re seeking. In fact, it turns up the dial on intimacy, connection, engagement, and presence. Your heart shifts from a place of frantic super-human efforts to one of ease and intention. All by taking care of yourself first.
Now, what I'm about to share isn't another checklist for you to stress about this season. Think of it as a wellness menu, a guide, or a resource to help you unwind and connect. See what resonates with you in the new year.
In these final days of December, carve out time to rest and reflect. Sit down with a warm cup of tea and a journal. Here are some prompts from therapist Nedra Tawwab to guide your reflection:
What did 2023 teach me about myself?
Who showed up for me and how can I nurture those relationships?
What do I need to accept about myself and the other people in my life?
How did I cope with uncomfortable feelings?
How can I better manage my reaction to my feelings?
In what ways will I take better care of myself in 2023?
What has been a barrier to me completing my goals and how will I remove the barrier in 2024?
What limiting beliefs do I need to release?
What do I need to practice doing more or less of?
What one boundary do I need to implement to improve my peace in 2024?
Prioritize Your Health
You already know that putting effort into your health is the best investment. Here are a few practices that may be new to you or that you’ve already been curious about.
Breathwork – Here’s a simple 6-minute practice I love.
Lymphatic, Nervous System & Somatic Work with Ryan Evans
Yoga Nidra for sleep, binaural beats, and guided meditations via Insight Timer
Hydro-circuit with sauna and cold plunge multiple times a day. Try your favorite spa or Breathe Degrees in Carlsbad.
Do a Digital Detox
Our relationship with devices can be complex (as you read this on a screen). Explore resources like "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World" by Cal Newport and "The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less" by Tonya Dalton.
Stop Drinking for a Month
Drinking in moderation is difficult. Abstaining for a month is a useful segue because your boundaries are clearly defined. Incorporating a break from alcohol will help you recognize the changes you want to make long-term. Resources include Huberman Lab’s What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health and the book "This Naked Mind" by Annie Grace. She also offers a free masterclass via her website.
Rediscover the joy of play, a fundamental aspect of human behavior that contributes to overall health and wellness. Take a listen to Ted Talk Tales of Creativity & Play by Tim Brown.
Watch a nostalgic music video and learn the choreography. A few easy ones: September or Dua Lipa with kids
Pull out the board games. A few of my favorites: Taboo, Bucket, Catch Phrase, Pictionary and a story variation of Telestrations (but just on your own paper)
Head to the park with a favorite game: Spikeball, Mölkky, badminton, paddleball, or giant bubbles
Find a silly family-friendly game on IG. We’re playing a couple of these this year including the Cotton Ball Scoop!
As the year concludes, remember that self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. By embracing these rituals, you'll recharge your energy and set the stage for a thriving new year. Here's to a well-deserved period of rest, rejuvenation, and self-love.
From my cozy to place to yours, take care.